in the press | August

in the press | August

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AUGUST 2016 | Some great coverage of BRINDABELLAS | edge of light in the press and around the web as we continue to roll out…
No Film School

No Film School

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No Film School have had a look at BRINDABELLAS | edge of light and decided that "You've never seen infrared like this before"... from…
ABC Radio interview

ABC South East interview

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Earlier this week I dropped into the ABC South East studios in Bega and recorded an interview about infrared filmmaking, growing up on the…
Miller Tripods

Miller Tripods

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Miller fluid heads and CF legs are key parts of our infrared rigs - so it's great to see BRINDABELLAS | edge of light featured…


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BRINDABELLAS Shorts - eight chapters now available on ABC iView.As part of our roll-out of BRINDABELLAS | edge of light to the general public…
4K seasons | edge of light

4K | seasons

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BRINDABELLAS | 4K update With new (slightly shorter) BRINDABELLAS footage out this week in glorious 4K the five seasonal parts summer, autumn, winter, spring and summer…