Update | the Vimeo version of karst country was upgraded to 4K (and original toning restored) in April 2016 | more on the 2016 redux
This short piece was the motion component of the February 2013 Karst Country exhibition at the Belconnen Arts Centre in Canberra, Australia. It features the limestone landscapes near Wee Jasper NSW captured in near infra-red. Shortly after the exhibition launch, karst country was added to Vimeo and was awarded a Vimeo Staff Pick. It was subsequently shared and featured on numerous blogs and sites around the world – including The Atlantic, PetaPixel, Gizmodo, Fstoppers and the Smithsonian’s Retina. karst country was also included in the 2014 Fubiz Best of Time Lapse list.
The original karst country version was slightly updated (and extended) in 2014 but by then a newer, larger project was already evolving so plans to further expand it and re-release a higher quality version were shelved to instead focus on what had by then become BRINDABELLAS | edge of light.
more on karst country film + prints
motion | RED Scarlet-X / Epic-X cameras + Nikkor glass
stills | RED Epic-X / Canon DSLR (IR mod)
commercial | documentary | fine-art
Canberra | Southeast Australia
• full-spectrum / infrared motion + stills
• professional photography + video production
phone | (Glen) 0414 501 927
email | info@silverdory.com.au
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